Crispy, crunchy, full of vegetables, some delicious Hot Roast Pork and healthy to boot. If this sounds like your perfect dinner – read on!
Leftovers are a thing! They can be a blessing and a curse. Some days when I am too tired and lazy to cook, I am in love with the fact they are in the fridge but let’s face it – wouldn’t you love to eat something other than the exact same thing you had last night? WELL, that’s why this week we have created the PERFECT Hot Roast Pork leftovers!!
Tips for Making Spring Rolls
Here are our key tips when making fresh spring rolls
- Fry off all vegetables first and COOL – if your spring roll filling is hot it may end up bursting. A quick & simple way of doing this is to lay it out flat on a tray. See Pic!
- Remove as much air as possible when folding the spring rolls. Once again air pockets will cause the spring rolls to burst. Check out the images on how we roll them
- Dry filling – you don’t want a runny filling. There will be some moisture in it but you don’t want any runny liquid. Runny liquid will cause the spring rolls to burst!
- Hot oil – you want the oil about 180c. This is so you have lovely crisp spring rolls and not soggy or over cooked ones. The best way to check is with a thermometer or you can use a wooden spoon. The oil should bubble around the end of the spoon when place in the hot oil
- When working with spring roll pastry you should cover the ones you aren’t using in a damp towel to stop them from drying out
- Once cooked place them on a wire rack to allow them to cool, dry and any excess oil to dribble off
The beauty about this is you can make a larger batch than the recipe says and freeze them for another day. Now those are some damn good leftovers.